By Tasha Charumbira
Beauty is one of those subjective things in the world. We can’t decide on one standard of anything and beauty is not an exception. From the southernmost point of the world to the north, there is no definition of what beauty is.
Science has tried to offer a standard of beauty for us. The Golden Rule. A perfectly symmetrical and proportionate face regardless of race. Interesting Isn’t it? Something that we think I so subjective and emotional is really our brain registering the symmetry of someone’s face. Clinical.
But don’t you find it fascinating that items or people that suffer from a flaw are what we find more charming, more attractive than those that are without mistake which we regard with distrust. We see attractive as being just right, not too perfect.
Beauty is however not just a perfectly aligned face or a perfectly imperfect mole above the lips. That’s prettiness, loveliness. Beauty is something else. It’s an intangible thing not just present in the shape of ones eye but what lies within.
The human soul that which is defined as ‘to always elude definition’ the soul. That thing deep inside each of us that makes us what we are. Beautiful, kind wonderful people. It is not enough to simply have a proportionate face or to have just the right amount of melanin in your skin. It’s not about Goldilocks. Beauty is about what makes acne riddle skin glow with health becauseof a smile, it is about what makes short lashed eyes sparkle with laughter.
Beauty is about the human soul. The strength and purity of it that glows from within and bathing the skin in pure golden light. That’s what beauty is. It is about a soul that cares, learns and grows like a flower.A soul that loves and gives. That is what beauty is.
By Rutendo Nyasvimbo
My perspective of beauty throughout the years and through culture goes like this : The dictionary definition of beauty would be a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour or the form that pleases the sense of sight.I feel like beauty is happiness, it has varied throughout the years, from different cultures and parts of the world.
We all look at beauty in different ways and our minds processes it differently. ‘’A single brush stroke of painting doesn’t alone create the impact of beauty, but all together, it becomes beautiful ‘’ (Anonymous).I can honestly say I’ve struggled to answer the question on what is beauty because instantly I begin to think of my imperfections. Although i can say beauty is everything around us, we don’t see the same beauty but we are the incarnation of beauty.
Lastly beauty is being able to embrace yourself which is one of our mission statement and accepting who you are. Like Jessie J onced said in one of her songs ‘’ Just be true to who you are’’.
My name is Rutendo Nyasvimbo and I’m part of Matchless Beauty team as the Motivational Coordinate. Thank you.

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